Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games.”American economist. Harsanyi was born on May 29,……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games.”American economist. Nash was born on June 13, 19……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games.”German economist. Selten was born on October 5, ……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for having renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory quantitative methods in order to explain economic insti……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for having renewed research in economic history by applying economic theory quantitative methods in order to explain economic insti……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis to a wide range of human behaviour interaction, including nonmarket behavi……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his discovery clarification of the significance of transaction costs property rights for the institutional structure functio……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.”American economist. Markowitz was born on August 24, 1927 in Chicago……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.”American ecomonist. Miller was born May 16, 1923 in Boston, Massachu……>>more
Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering work in the theory of financial economics.”American economist. Sharpe was born on June 16, 1934 at Cambridge, M……>>more