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Finn E. Kydl (1943- )

warded the Prize “for his contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy the driving forces behind business cycles.”……>>more

Edward Christian Prescott (1940-2022)

Awarded the Prize “for his contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy the driving forces behind business cycles……>>more


Robert F. Engle III (1942- )

Awarded the Prize “for his methods of analyzing economic time series with time-varying volatility (ARCH).”Robert F. Engle III is an American Economis……>>more

Clive W. J. Granger (1934-2009)

Awarded the Prize “for his methods of analyzing economic time series with common trends (cointegration).Clive W. J. Granger is a British Economist. He……>>more


Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024)

Awarded the Prize “for his having integrated insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment decisio……>>more

Vernon L. Smith (1927- )

Awarded the Prize “for his having established laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis, especially in the study of alternative ……>>more


George A. Akerlof (1940- )

Awarded the Prize “for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information.”George A. Akerlof is an American economist born on June.17th 1940 at New ……>>more

Andrew Michael Spence (1943- )

Awarded the Prize “for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information.”Andrew Michael Spence is an American Economist. He was born on 7 November……>>more

Joseph Eugene Stiglitz (1943- )

Awarded the Prize “for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information.”Joseph Eugene Stiglitz is an American Economist born on Feb.9th 1943 at G……>>more


James J. Heckman (1944- )

Awarded the Prize “for his development of theory methods for analyzing ive samples.”American economist. Heckman was born on April 19, 1944 in Chicago……>>more

Daniel L. McFadden (1937- )

Awarded the Prize “for his development of theory methods for analyzing discrete choice.”American economist. McFadden was born on July 29, 1937 at Ral……>>more

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