Jean Henri Dunant (1828-1910)
Awarded the Prize “for he hold up the banner of Red Cross devote his whole life to the aid services.”Swiss humanitarian. Dunant was born on May 8, 1828 in Geneva. In June 1859, He organized emergency aid services for the Austrian French wounded in the battle of Solferino. In 1862, he published Un Souvenir de Solférino, proposing the formation in all ries of voluntary relief societies for the prevention alleviation of suffering in war peacetime, without distinction of race or creed. In 1864, he founded the Red Cross. Dunant died on October 30, 1910 in Heiden, Switzerl.
Major Works:
Un Souvenir de Solférino (1862); Notice sur la Régence de Tunis (1863); L’Esclavage chez les musulmans et aux états-Unis d’Amérique (1863); Universal International Society for the Revival of the Orient (1866)