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Kim Dae-jung (1925-2009)

Awarded the Prize “in recognition of his lifelong struggle for democracy improvement in human rights in Korea for his initiative in settling peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

Korean Statesman. Kim was born on December 3, 1925 in Jeollanam-do Province, Korea. He completed M.A. program in economics at Kyunghee University, Seoul in 1970, was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Political Science at Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Russia in 1992. He was elected the eighth president of the Republic of Korea in February 1998, making the first transition of power from the ruling to an opposition party in Korea’s modern history. Kim died on August 18th 2009 in Seoul.

Signed Photo (Donated to Shanghai Fudan University)

DPR Korea (2005)

Norway (2002) Postcard

RO Korea (1998) First-Day Cover

RO Korea (2000) First-Day Cover

DPR Korea (2005) First-Day Cover

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