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Theodore W. Schultz (1902-1998)

Awarded the Prize “for his pioneering research into economic development research with particular consideration of the problems of developing ries.”

American economist. Schultz was born on April 30, 1902 near Arlington, South Dakota. He graduated from South Dakota College in 1927, received his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in 1930. In 1943 he accepted a Chair in Economics at the University of Chicago where he remained until his retirement in 1974. In 1960 he became President of American Economic Association. Schultz died on February 26, 1998 at Evanston, Illinois.
Major Works:
Agriculture in an Unstable Economy (1945); The Economic Organisation of Agriculture (1953); The Economic Value of Education (1963); Transforming Traditional Agriculture (1964); Economic Crises in World Agriculture (1965); Economic Growth Agriculture (1968); Investment in Human Capital: The

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